Development administration 01 01 meaning nature and scope of Development administration

Development administration - meaning nature and scope of Development administration
Recent origin.
Fred w riggs . organized efforts to carry out a program or project.
Riggs . refers not to a government's effort to carry out a program to reshape its physical human and cultural environment.
Pai panandikar marked by 4 features.
1.Change oriented.socio .economic
2. Result oriented. Related to productivity.
3. Citizen participation oriented. Satisfying the needs of specific target groups.
4. Commitment to work. Oriented. Emotionally attached to the work.
Any delay in the execution of a devp work leads to loss of material and human resources. Dev admin has special imp to time.

Scope..focuses on dev problems in developing countries. To solve underdevelopment and mal-development.
..national security and internal order. Poverty. Physical  challenge. against external aggression
..maintaining legitimacy of regime. Stability of political system.
..integrating diverse. Religious. Communal. Regional.
..organizing and distributing formal power between private and public authority
..displacement of traditional social and economical interest.. Land lord. Tribals Chief. Local money lenders.
..modernization of institutions and skills. MGP.
..effective management
..effective use of current financial resources. position in international community

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