Development administration. 02 07 public administration and development administration

Development administration. 02 07 public administration and development administration

P.A.-Public Administration-
D.A –Development Administration
P.A. is the non- political bureaucratic machinery for the implementation of policies and laws
Pub admn is a wider field of admn. Two views of scope.
1...Broader admn refers to all governmental activities.purposes. implementation g policy
2..narrow view...activities of executive part of govt

Luther gullick.POSDCORB
P.A is not development in character. If state fails to maintain law and order, no development. If no development, creates frustration.

D.A is nothing but P.A which is playing the developmental role in developing countries.
D.A. is P.A with a difference. Action oriented. New agencies. Socio economic reconstruction.
..increasing functions of state
..administrative reforms.
..service motivation
..More decentralization flow of  communication
..more participation and cooperation of the people

Problems of D.A
..procedural delay
..staff shortage
..poor p practice
..inter agency rivalry
..lack of responsibilities
..pre-occupation with politics
..poor coordination of admin bodies

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