HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - leadership theory. Trait behavioural situational psycho analytic

HM 13 128 leadership theory. Trait behavioural situational psycho analytic
1)...Trait. theory.
Millet says leader should have. good health. intelligence. integrity. judgement. loyalty. interest in other people.
Terry says. energy. emotional stability. social skills. motivation. teaching ability. communication skill. ..physical features
..emotional stability
..human relations
..motivational skill
..communicative skill skill

..certain traits can be acquired through learning. maturity. inner motivation. open mindedness. self confidence. vision. foresight. social skill. technical skills.
2) Behavioural theory
styles. autocratic. democratic. laissez faire.
3) Situational. situational factors in addition to trait and behavioural.
life cycle approach by Paul Hersey
Contingency model by Fred E Fielder
Path goal by Robert House
Path goal Theory of Leadership by Robert house
situational theory
.leadership behavior should be acceptable to the subordinates
.leadership behavior should be motivational
.four styles.
1.directive or instrumental. plan
2.supportive. welfare
3.participative. consult. cooperative
4.achievement oriented. sets goal

4) psycho analytic theory

..a leader should understand desire and needs of people

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