HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - group and team. Nature. Type. Formal and informal

HM 09 81 group and team. Nature. Type. Formal and informal
social animal. must interact each other. psychologically recognize. perceive themselves
...characteristics of group interaction. engaged in certain activities. informal leaders. interaction. cohesiveness.  filling in gaps of manager's abilities. solving work problems. better coordinates. channel of communication. norms of behavior

..Formal and Informal

. ..types of formal groups
..permanent and temporary.
..command group
..functional group

..types of informal groups
..cliques. colleagues and associates. mainly in departments. 

...apathetic group least likely to develop
...erratic .easily pacified. not serious about their problems
...strategic. planned. pressure group
...conservative.  they are in strong positions. least in union activities

...theories of formation of grup
..propinquity. same place forms
..Homans' .activities. interactions. sentiments
..Balance.  .similar attitude towards a goal
..Exchange. based on reward  or outcomes  conflict
..negative attitude of informal leaders ..resistance to change

..rumours ..role conflicts************

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