Personnel Administration - morale ethics and professional standard

Personnel Administration,  04 37 morale ethics and professional standard
...morale .intangible concept. Intimately connected with motivation. Inter related to motivation. Mental attitude. Essence of successful administration

...effect of high morale
.job satisfaction. Efficiency. Performance. Lower cost. Good human relations. Sharing of responsibility.

...ingredients of morale
.leadership. Policies. Relationship. Communication. Attitude of political executive

...effect of good morale
.job satisfaction. Productivity. Cheaper goods and service. Low cost. High profit. Better wages. Stability of employment. Punctuality.

...effect of poor morale
.non involvement. High labour turn over. Work stoppage. Labour unrest. Resistance.

...factors building up morale
..knowledge of purpose and objective
..nature of work
..recognition of service and development

...measurement of morale
.questionnaire.  .rating. Observation
 .survey. .interview. .personnel records.

...ethics.  State of administrative standards on the basis of which a particular action is judged. Right or wrong. Moral or immoral

...ensuring practice of administrative ethics. and determination. 2.ethics to politics. 3.ethical commitment. 4.practice of administrative ethics. 5.effective involvement of people. 6.character building. 7.emphasis on education from school

...professional standards.
Maintaining a high level of morale and integrity among public officials.
.impartiality. .neutrality

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