Theory and research base for organizational behavior

Theory and research base for organizational behavior 

Organizational behaviour is of integrating nature. It synthesize knowledge drawn from various behavioural and social sciences. 

  • Psychology: There are various analysis in psychology for  organizational behaviour

  1. Attitude analysis 
  2. Personality analysis
  3. Learning theory
  4. Motivational analysis
  5. Senses and sensation
  6. Rationality
  7. Scaling techniques
  8. Organization theory
  9. Perception and sensation
  10. Projection techniques

  • Sociology: Various areas in which theories and researches have been build up in the field of sociology. 

  1. Morale
  2. Interpersonal relationships
  3. Class stimuli
  4. Innovation and change
  5. Social change
  6. Group surveys and testing
  7. Environmental influences
  8. Small group activity
  9. Public opinion
  10. Role and status

  • Anthropology: It studies the origin development of human cultures, how the cultures have functioned in the past and how they continue to function in the present. 
The area of study in anthropology:

  1. Cultural dynamics
  2. Status symbols
  3. Ethnic relations
  4. Organization theory

  • Political science and economics also deal various area of behavioral science.

Organizational behavior - theory and research base for Organizational behavior

Organizational behavior 03 08  theory and research base for org behavior

Organizational Behaviour: integrating nature.
...Psychology..various analysis.. attitude, personality, learning theory. motivation. senses and sensation. rationality. techniques
...sociology...morale. interpersonal relationship. class stimuli. innovation. changed. group activities. environment
...anthropology.. cultural dynamics. status symbols. ethnic relations. organization theories.

...political science and economics... behavioral science deal study of human behavior. culture

Organizational behavior 02 04 foundation of organizational behavior

Organizational behavior 02  04 foundation of organizational behavior

Every person is different from others.  
...situation. behavior respect and dignity.
...concepts relating to nature of org. 
....organizations are social systems. formed based on mutual interest.

.....organizations behaviour .... based on human behaviour and situational. system approach. constant interaction between structure and process variables. 

Organizational behaviour 01 01 definition meaning scope.

Organizational behaviour 01 01 definition meaning scope.

EW Bakke. Organization-continuing system of differentiated & coordinated human activities utilizing together a set of human, capital and various resources.
.mutually agreed purpose

 Meaning of behaviour is a way of action.
 Meaning organizational behavior-improve people org relationship. deal individual group structure.

scope: interaction of people technology and structure. social systems.

Human engineering Aim to increase productivity Preventing overload

FA 26 254 human engineering Aim to increase productivity Preventing overload
Better work environment. Light.
.sound 60 decibel normal
.machine automation. Machine sense
Letter sorting in post offices
ATM for in and out
OB 01 01 Organizational behaviour definition meaning scope.
 e w bakke. orgzn continuing system of differentiated & coordinated human activities utilizing together a set of human, capital and various resources.
.mutually agreed purpose

 meaning of behaviour is a way of action.

 meaning organizational behavior-improve people org relationship. deal individual group structure.

scope. interaction of
people technology and structure. social systems.
OB 02  04 foundation of organizational behavior
 every person is different from others.  situation. behavior respect and dignity.
...concepts relating to nature of org. ....orgs r social systems. formed based on mutual interest. behaviour .... based on human behaviour and situational. system approach. constant interaction btwn structure and process variables. 


FA 22 214 Unionism
Job security
. On breach of job contract
..imaginary no clear job contract. Expectations
..need satisfaction.
..improper matching
..change in schedule
..non availability of proper tools
..bad physical conditions
..poor relationship with supervision policy .leave .overtime .seniority .transfer .promotion .attitude towards unions

..violation of labour law .company rule. .management responsibility


HM 25 stress
Pressure of one object to a another
Social changes
Technological changes
Community conditions
Economic conditions  conflict. Relationship
Traits. Career change
.policies. Structure .physical.radiation. pollutions

Relaxing  exercise
Physical exercise
Work plan

. On breach of job contract
..imaginary no clear job contract. Expectations
..need satisfaction.
..improper matching
..change in schedule
..non availability of proper tools
..bad physical conditions
..poor relationship with supervision policy .leave .overtime .seniority .transfer .promotion .attitude towards unions

..violation of labour law .company rule. .management responsibility


HM 24 grievance system
..factual. On breach of job contract
..imaginary no clear job contract. Expectations
..need satisfaction.
..improper matching
..change in schedule
..non availability of proper tools
..bad physical conditions
..poor relationship with supervision policy .leave .overtime .seniority .transfer .promotion .attitude towards unions
..violation of labour law .company rule. .management responsibility


HM 27 275 time management
Poor time management cases feeling of work load

Time wasters

Over staffing
Mal organization. Excess of meetings
One job at a time
Wrong information

Do anything
Do nothing
Create deadline
Reward yourself. Codebreaker
Do task early in the day
Think possible ways
Say no
Relax and reduce stress
Give recognition
Good relationship
Increasing morale

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT -inter personnel relationship

HM 21 198 inter personnel relationship to one
one to group
Group to one
Group to group

Level of self awareness known each other
..blind self individual known to others not known to him
..hidden self. Individual known to him  not known to others
..unknown. Not known to him and others

Parent ego
Child ego

Adult ego


HM 20 186 communications.


HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, communication barriers

HM 19 179 communication barriers
barriers of communications
..symbol with diff meaning.  ..badly expressed message. ..faulty translation.
4.dogmatic. attitudes
5. hallo effect. two valued. good or bad. right or wrong
6. stereo type
7.lack of will to communicate
..premature evaluation
..loss by transmission
9.organizational barriers
..complex structure ..status of relationship
..rules and regulations
10.barriers in superiors
..attitude. ..lack of confidence in subordinates. ..ignoring communication ..lack of time
10.barriers in subordinates
..unwilling to communicate
..lack of proper incentive

..Effective communication
..inform  yourself truly
..establish a mutual trust each other
..use mutually known words receivers attention
.conveying right message
.coordination of efforts
.managerial skills
.good industrial relations

.effectiveness of policies

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, communication channels

HM 18 170 communication channels
communication in organization
...meaning.  process through which  information is transmitted received and stored
...definition... Peter drucker. ability of various functional groups within an enterprise to understand each other.

Kinds of communications
1. internal 2.external
1. internal.
...upward  ..Downward  ..across


Communication channels
..single chain

Media of communication  2.visual  3.audiovisual

barriers of communications
1..semantic. language
4.dogmatic. attitudes
5. hallo effect. two valued. good or bad. right or wrong
6. stereo type
7.lack of will to communicate

..Effective communication
..inform  yourself truly
..establish a mutual trust each other
..use mutually known words receivers attention
.conveying right message
.coordination of efforts
.managerial skills
.good industrial relations

.effectiveness of policies


HM 16 160 leadership types
Styles of Leadership
1..Autocratic. strict. commanding. punishment.   ..benevolent.  incompetent
3..Laissez faire. freedom allow set goals
4.. institutional

communication in organization
...meaning.  process through which  information is transmitted received and stored
...definition... Peter drucker. ability of various functional groups within an enterprise to understand each other.

Kinds of communications
1. internal 2.external
1. internal.
...upward  ..Downward  ..across

Media of communication  2.visual  3.audiovisual

barriers of communications
1..semantic. language
4.dogmatic. attitudes
5. hallo effect. two valued. good or bad. right or wrong
6. stereo type
7.lack of will to communicate

..Effective communication
..inform  yourself truly
..establish a mutual trust each other
..use mutually known words receivers attention
.conveying right message
.coordination of efforts
.managerial skills
.good industrial relations

.effectiveness of policies

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - leadership quality

HM 15 155 leadership quality

Millet says leader should have. good health. intelligence. integrity. judgement. loyalty. interest in other people.
Terry says. energy. emotional stability. social skills. motivation. teaching ability. communication skill. ..physical features
..emotional stability
..human relations
..motivational skill
..communicative skill skill

..will power

..technical skill
..intellectual capacity

..certain traits can be acquired through learning. maturity. inner motivation. open mindedness. self confidence. vision. foresight. social skill. technical skills.


HM 14 136 leadership styles

Styles of Leadership
1..Autocratic. strict. commanding. punishment.   ..benevolent.  incompetent
2..Democratic. Participative

3..Laissez faire. freedom allow set goals

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - leadership theory. Trait behavioural situational psycho analytic

HM 13 128 leadership theory. Trait behavioural situational psycho analytic
1)...Trait. theory.
Millet says leader should have. good health. intelligence. integrity. judgement. loyalty. interest in other people.
Terry says. energy. emotional stability. social skills. motivation. teaching ability. communication skill. ..physical features
..emotional stability
..human relations
..motivational skill
..communicative skill skill

..certain traits can be acquired through learning. maturity. inner motivation. open mindedness. self confidence. vision. foresight. social skill. technical skills.
2) Behavioural theory
styles. autocratic. democratic. laissez faire.
3) Situational. situational factors in addition to trait and behavioural.
life cycle approach by Paul Hersey
Contingency model by Fred E Fielder
Path goal by Robert House
Path goal Theory of Leadership by Robert house
situational theory
.leadership behavior should be acceptable to the subordinates
.leadership behavior should be motivational
.four styles.
1.directive or instrumental. plan
2.supportive. welfare
3.participative. consult. cooperative
4.achievement oriented. sets goal

4) psycho analytic theory

..a leader should understand desire and needs of people


HM 12 121 Leadership
..meaning.. Process of influencing and supporting others.
..creating confidence
..building morale
..take initiative
..act as a friend interpret encourage team work

..securing cooperation
..use of power
..developing high morale

 productivity and efficiency of org depend upon leadership
..definition. Chester betnard. quality of behaviour of an individual to guide people or in their activities
..characteristics. must grup followers. guide. behave. influence. respond.

achieving goals. coordinates work division.

Styles of Leadership
1..Autocratic. strict. commanding. punishment.   ..benevolent.  incompetent

3..Laissez faire. freedom allow set goals

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - conflicts. Individual and group

HM 11 105 conflicts. Individual and group
 conflict and stress
difference of opinion in between two individuals or groups.
...positive conflict
..chance to think again
..accept challenges
..leads innovations
..energizes in crisis
..drew immediate attention clarification

negative conflict
..reduced production
..waste of time
..less labour turnover against organization
..lack of cooperation

At different levels
individual. group. organizational

..problem solving
